This is a great question. There is nothing worse than turning up without the correct adaptor and likewise, it is cumbersome to carry many adaptors with you. We have the perfect solution to ensure you always have the correct adaptor/s with you. It is our quick finder on power adaptors. Click on Power Voltage Adaptors and select in the country/ies you are headed to and you will see a photo of the exact adaptor you need with you.
The visa you need to travel to a particular destination relates to the passport you are travelling on. To find out, you will need to
Sure. Just click here and you will find out
Wow, you will love NYC and there is so much to do there. In general, click here for some ideas on things to do in any city. Click here and enter New York City to find out some more detail. If you want a tailored list of suggestions in line with your interests and hobbies. For a fee, the eta team can investigate this for you and get back to you.
Click on our quick finder International Dialing Code & Time Now feature and you can easily look that up
Yes it is always good to be organized especially in what can be a very long line at immigration. You need your passport, boarding card and in some countries you need a completed departure card. If you are leaving the country you reside in and need to complete a departure card, usually the check in staff gave you this form when you were checking in or they are available near the immigrations desks – just ask. If you are now leaving a country you were visiting, it most likely was left in your passport by the immigration officer you presented your passport to when you arrived or you may need to complete a new form which would have been provided at check in or they will be available in the immigration hall – just ask.