Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Virtual Private Network (VPN) provide access to websites and apps which are either:
a) blocked in a country for political or legal reasons
b) if a business has not entered a particular market, you may not be able to access their sites from that market (eg when Netflix first launched it was only available in US and you could not open a US account from another market. As Netflix opened up in each market, accounts were available in those locations)
c) Some businesses have distributors in each market who have rights to certain geographies. If you are sports fan, this may be an issue. If you want to watch a game, there may not be distribution rights assigned in the market you are visiting. As a result, you will not be able to access the content online.
Virtual Private Network (VPN) will allow you to get around these issues. Technically, they make your IP address unrecognizable which means the website you are trying to access does not know where you are located globally so it will let you into, for example, a US site when you are in China. VPN are illegal in some countries so be aware that you could be breaking the law by using one.
VPN is available for a monthly fee.