All Things Medical!


Be prepared for all things medical!

Make sure you have complied with your company’s travel policy and any other requirements.

If you travel frequently, make an annual appointment with a travel medical specialist to keep you prepared and protected. The “all things medical” section is about the basic functional support you need to set up for your travelling lifestyle, what to do and how.

Make sure your employer has a copy of your next of kin details in case of emergency. This should be included in your Company’s travel policy if you work for an employer. A next of kin is important because perhaps this is not the obvious person. Think about who you want to get the call in case of an emergency. It may be your partner but perhaps it is another relative or close friend who is more able to then inform your partner in a respectful and supportive way should something go wrong.

Hot Tip:

Did you know that 18% of Australian Traveller lose at least 1 day of their trip due to illness (Source: The Travel Doctor: TMVC Welcome Home Survey)

Hot Tip:

Carry your drugs, especially prescription drugs with you in your carry-on luggage, especially on long distance flights.

You may need them on the flight. If your baggage gets lost, you will certainly need them. Interrupting a prescription course of drugs will only add to the stress of your travel (and may be harmful to your health)

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