APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Business Travel Card


If you want to make your international travel life a lot easier, research the APEC Business Travel Card. If you have a valid passport from one of the 21 participating countries, an APEC Business Travel Card is for you.  Currently there are 21 countries in Asia, the Pacific, North and South America participating in the scheme. Its main purpose is to streamline entry into the participating countries for trade and investment activities. It provides international business travelers with a card which replaces the need for a visa for stays of 60+ days in most cases. Take a look at the website for information by country.

The other key benefit or APEC Business Travel Card is fast tracking through immigration. This includes both inbound and outbound. There are separate lines in immigration in most participating countries which means you will get through fast. Click through to learn more about fast tracking through immigration Click here for Immigration Process Outbound . This is a big-time saver because the lines at immigration in some countries can be very long and very slow.

There is an application cost and process to go through. You need to prove that you/your company are have sufficient business between countries in the region. You need to meet certain criteria to be accepted into the program. With respect to the cost, it far outweighs the cost of visas if you travel to any of the participating countries regularly. You will not have to submit your passport for a visa for 3 years which will allow much more flexibility for your international travel.

For fast and convenient international travel around the Pacific Ocean, research the APEC Business Travel Card.

Hot Tip: Check out the website Business Mobility Group | APEC

Your country (that your passport is from) will also have information regarding applications, etc on the website for the equivalent of the Department of Foreign Affairs/Homeland Security

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