Basic Travel Medications


Ask you specialist travel doctor what you should take with you but there are some basic travel medications which will address the most likely ailments you will encounter on your travels. Here is a list to help you be prepared.

Suggested Over-the-Counter Medicines
Pain Killers Headaches, Fevers, etc
Throat Lozenges
Cold and Flu Medication
Nose running Medication
Gastro Medications
Diarrhea Medication
Hay Fever/Allergy Drugs
Vitamins Multivitamin (even if you do not regularly take vitamins, it may be a good idea to take while you are travelling – consult your doctor)

Click here to download a soft copy.

Note: Codeine based pain killers are illegal in some countries. It is illegal to sell and to import these in countries including UAE. You do not want to be stopped at the border for something like this. Consult your doctor, but pain killers like ibuprofen or aspirin are more widely accepted globally.

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