Check the Detail


You need to check the detail with your company and the travel insurance provider. The following list is detail worth checking:

  • Does the insurance cover you if your stay on after the business trip for the weekend?
  • Does the travel insurance cover you if you travel to the destination early?
  • Does the insurance cover you if you extend your stay for personal reasons? ie you chose to have a few days or weeks off on vacation?
  • Some companies do cover these stays if you stay in the same country as your work related business trip but as soon as you move to another country you will need to provide your own cover – check for this too
  • Some insurance companies require disclosure for any trip outside the work related trips so you may need to provide the person responsible for travel insurance in your company with an email stating what you are doing if you are staying on for personal reasons and for how long – check for this also
  • Any other specific requirements
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