Regular Medication you take at Home


Remember the regular medication you take at home. Make sure you have enough to cover your whole trip and maybe a couple of extra days in case you stay longer than anticipated. If you are abroad, the drugs may not be available in the country that you are traveling to or they may not be easily recognizable as they may have different brand names. Also, what is an over-the-counter drug in one country may be a prescribed drug in another which may necessitate seeing a doctor if you need to get a prescription.

Hot Tip:

Some drugs may not have been approved by the local drug authorities and so you could be bringing in drugs not available in the country you are visiting.

For international travel, it is imperative that you leave all drugs (prescription and over-the-counter drugs) in the original packaging and if they are prescription drugs that you have a letter from your doctor outlining what they are and why you take that drug.

This cannot be stressed enough. Imagine flying into an Asian country with strict drug laws and trying to explain to the immigration and customs officials your bag with a jumble of drugs in it!

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