The Compressor


An addition to premium suitcases is the compressor. This is a very light weight fabric with a strong wire frame. It covers the length and width of the internal (usually) one side of your suitcase. It is connected to the suitcase with a strap which extends from one end, through the lining of the suitcase and back out the other end. It is then connected to the other side of the frame usually with velcro. You disconnect it at one end and pack your clothes in the suitcase. Then you put the frame on top of your clothes and connect the frame using the velcro strap. It tightens to the height of the stack of clothes in the suitcase. When you travel it keeps the clothes in place which minimises the need for ironing and is especially useful when you do not fill the suitcase to capacity because it makes its own level of capacity. This is great if you plan to go shopping while you are away because the extra purchases can then fit into the suitcase by adjusting the length of the velcro strap.

Hot Tip:

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