Toiletries to pack


Here is a list of all the toiletries to pack that you may need so get a pen out now and cross off what is not in your repertoire. Also add those special items that you use that may not be on the list.

When you take a look at this list you will see that there is an enormous amount of “stuff”. No wonder it is easy to forget things if they are not pre-packed – you will not remember from one trip to the next what was used or nearly empty, you may do 5 overnight trips in a row and then a 2 week international trip and so you will need more than a traveler’s pack of shampoo to name a couple of reasons. It is easy to forget things that are not pre-packed. Also remember that the brands of these items on your list are special to you. Over many years you have worked out what you like best to use. When overseas, your favourite brand may not be available. Brands are like familiar friends when traveling; the angst that will come from not having your favourite if you run out overseas will be exaggerated and is not worth the trouble.

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Moisturizers Face Day
Sun Screens Face
Hair Shampoo
Brush for blow drying
Brush/Comb for everyday use
Mousse/Gel/Hairspray Remember you may be going out
Pins, Clips, Ties and Bands (see above!)
Portable Hair Dryer with International Adaptation you may stay in 5 star hotels mostly but you will forget the hairdryer for the times when you do not if it is not part of the kit
Teeth Brush
Soap Hotel soap is usually ok unless you have sensitive skin
Shaving Razon
Shaving Cream
After shave/moisturiser
Nail Kit Scissors Useful for many other things
Base Coat/Top Coat
Remover buy the products with no acetone only. It is illegal to carry acetone products on an airplane. Non-acetone nail remover pads are good also – and will never cause a mess!
Paper Products Tissues Several Pocket size packs so you can use them in you handbag
Face Cloth For any number of emergencies
Band Aids
Cotton Wool Buds
Cotton Wool Pads/Balls
Feminine Hygiene Products
Sewing Kit inc needles, pins, threads for life’s emergencies
Other Items (list)
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