Laptop Security


Laptop security is a challenge at any time and especially when traveling. The same can be said for USB sticks and external hard drives. It is interesting to note that most hotels that will store luggage will not store laptops these days. This is because they cannot ensure their secure storage so you need to be diligent. The cost of the physical laptop is one thing. The value of the data and information stored on it is another, and probably of higher value. For your company, this may represent a major sensitivity around competitor information, strategic information or privacy information.

Make sure these do not leave your site. If you are carrying confidential information, there is software available which may be worth considering. New laptops may have integrated fingerprint software or password protection capability which is a great way to protect your data and information while you are traveling. This functionality can be added to most laptops that do not have it built in.

No matter what, make sure you back up regularly so at least you have a copy of your work but really this is not enough when you are entrusted by your company or your own business to professionally protect information for many reasons.

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