Pre-Planning for Travel Fitness


Pre-planning optimal travel fitness is critical. You were most likely working hard prior to your departure to prepare for the trip so…..

  • Make sure your schedule is a manageable pace. Do not try to squeeze too much in. You will get much more out of your limited time if it is sensible and reasonable rather than running around non stop. You are likely to need to add unforeseen appointments so make sure there is time for this also.
  • Try not to get on a long distance flight when you are tired. The most likely place you will get ill is on the flight and if you are tired when you get on a flight, you are only increasing your chances of getting off ill. If you get ill on the flight you will be recovering as you travel which is no fun.
  • Make sure you pack for the climate you will be going to. If you are an outdoor runner and headed from summer climate to cooler climate, you will need different running gear so pack appropriately. Be Prepared!
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