Airplane Travel while Pregnant


Talk to your doctor or travel medical practitioner about airplane travel while pregnant. Make sure any and all of your concerns and questions are covered prior to travel. But generally if you are fit and well, airline travel is ok for pregnant women. Some general tips include:

  • Most international airlines, will allow pregnant women to fly internationally until 35 weeks. Check with your travel agent of airline website.
  • Some vaccinations are not suitable so make sure you fully disclose your pregnancy and check this prior to having vaccinations
  • Traveling to areas where mosquito born illnesses are prevalent is not recommended. these include Malaria, Dengue Fever, Zika and others.
  • Take extra care with respect to drinking bottled water, watching what you eat and the risks associated with deep vein thrombosis. Make sure you heed the advice on exercising in flight, wearing flight socks etc
  • Travel Insurance limitations may exist. Some travel insurance only covers you up to so many weeks pregnancy, may exclude childbirth and may or may not cover the newborn child
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