Room Number


Never divulge your room number.

4 – 5 star hotel staff are trained not to ask for your room number in a public area. If you are by the pool and ordering a drink, only give your room number to uniformed staff. In fact, they will usually give you the “check” to write your name and room number on rather than ask for it in front of other guests. Insist on this practice if it is not automatically offered.

If you have guests to visit you at the hotel, the hotel will have trained staff not to give out your room number. This is whether the visitor is coming to your room or meeting you in the foyer. They will either have a house phone for the guest to call you on or reception or the concierge desk will handle it. If the operator is handling the call via the house phone, they ask the guest for the name of the person they are visiting. Then they will put them through to you so that you can vet the visitor. If the reception desk is handling the guest, once they have contacted you in your room, they will hand the handset of the telephone to the visitor so that you can be sure you recognize the voice and that it is someone you are expecting. This way you have complete control of who knows your room number, who comes to you room and who you meet in the foyer at your discretion.

If in doubt, call reception or security for assistance.

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