

On long-distance flights, you will need to try to get some rest and hopefully sleeping works for you. Getting into the new time zone is imperative so try to commence that process on board. A first step is to determine when you are going to go to sleep. Sleeping pills may be a good idea to assist if you need them. See your doctor for advice about this option.

Make sure you have a bottle of water with you during the night. This way you can access it when you need it. Flight attendants can provide water and often offer bottles of water when lights are out. However, by the time you press the flight attendant call button, wait for the flight attendant to come, then ask for water. Followed by waiting for water to be returned, you have been awake for at least 10 minutes. Therefore having a bottle of water with you for the evening is worth considering. Learn more about Business Class here and First Class here .

In business and first class on long distance flights, most airlines have seats which recline to flat beds. This makes sleeping much more comfortable. Some airlines have better seats than others. While the seat in business class may recline to a flat bed, the angle of the flat bed is not 90 degrees on all airlines. As a result some can be awkward as you can slide down the angle. In first class, the seats recline to flat beds at 90 degrees and are longer and wider than in business class. This is a real treat if you have the opportunity.

After the meal service, the lights in the cabin will most likely be turned off for up to many hours to encourage time for sleeping. There are overhead lights and often in-seat lights which are useful for reading or working on your laptop, phone or tablet. The latter causes less interruption to the person sitting (or trying to sleep) next to you.

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