Travel Fitness


Travel fitness is crucial especially if you are travelling abroad. You will be burning the candle at both ends with business travel. You will need to be on full alert at the meetings which are scheduled. Most likely you will be meeting new people and will need to make a good impression.

  • In some cases you will be presenting to senior people that you only meet with every 6 or 12 months so you will want to deliver your best effort here also.
  • You will need to get your emails done and most likely time has not been built into your schedule for this so you will be doing it back at the hotel.
  • Your Host will want to take you out to dinner (so the emails may not get done until after 10pm).
  • You may need to be entertaining customers.
  • You will probably want to see some of the new city/town you are visiting so even if there is no scheduled entertainment, you will most likely want to go out.
  • You may not get time to stick to your exercise regime if you are in the air.
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