Travel Research


If you have time prior to leaving, do some basic travel research if you are going to a new destination. Even a destination that you have been to before will benefit from some research to catch up on what’s new and what you missed out on. Take a look at the guidebooks, take a look at the website for the destination you are travelling to and there are also many “Top 10” lists on websites like “Top 10 things to do in …”, “Top 10 things to see in ….”, etc. Even a quick browse online will give you an idea of what you are keen to see and experience. Ask friends, work colleagues and your host for ideas and make a few notes.

Hot Tip:

Guidebooks can be heavy. If you like to work with hard copy, chose the mini guidebooks or photograph/photocopy the relevant pages you want to minimize extra luggage. You are only going to be there one, maybe two weekends so you will not need the 500 page guidebook for everything you can do in a month.

Hot Tip:

Eyewitness Travel Pocket Map & Guides are a useful tool that are designed to be portable. They are a small guide with essential information on all the major cities of the world including a fold out map and are a portable size.

Luxe City Guides (App or books) are also a compact guide that provides information and opinion (from readers) on cities in the world. They are updated twice yearly so they are extremely current. The number of cities is limited but all the major business destinations are available.

There are city guide apps available for iPhone. Check these out – there are many more:

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